Les 9 Mondes

History and Fantasy Crafts
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Creating a needlebound sock


Ever since we started out in historical reenactment, we make our own costumes entirely by hand. Even though we don't offer full historical costumes for sale, we do create accessories that will allow you to complete or customize yours, or simply to add an original touch to your everyday outfit.


It's a technique common during the Viking Age, with which they created stitched fabrics with only one needle. In fact, it's more related to hooking than knitting, and is best suited for making circle-built clothes, such as hats, mittens or socks. The result is a sturdy interlaced fabric, made of knots, and can easily serve as base for further felting.


Even though we choose to hand-sew our costumes, the accessories we have for sale are generally built with machine stitches. We keep hand-sewing the hems, though.


Weaving was as much men's work as women's. The costume needed to be functional but also served to show its creator's skills and social status. The sagas never fail to describe us this colourful clothing or that remarkable accessory.
Sheep was the main farm animal back then, so wool was the base material of any clothing. Linen has also been found, and was mostly used for undergarments, often pleated, rarely dyed. Silk was one of these luxury products, traded for along the caravan road.

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